What are cataracts?
Inside our eyes we have a natural lens, the lens bends (refracts) light rays that come into the eye to help us see for this lens should be clear a cataract is when yours eyes natural lens becomes cloudy proteins in your lens break down & cause things to look blurry hazy or less colorful.
What are symptoms of cataract?
- Having blurry vision
- Seeing double vision
- Being extra sensitive to light
- Trouble seeing at night
- Seeing bright colours as faded or yellow instead.
What cause cataracts?
- Aging is most common cause usually >60years.
- Diabetes
- Family history of cataracts
- Smoking
- Eye injury
- Lot of sun exposure
- Long term use of corticosteroids
How can you diagnose cataracts?
Your ophthalmologist will examine & test your eyes for cataract diagnosis.
- Slit lamp examination: examination of diffident parts of eye (cornea, iris, pupil, lens)
- Retinal examination: when your eye is dilated, so that one can see clearly the back of eye includes examination of retina, of optic nerve & other problems like glaucoma.
Treatment of cataract:
- If cataract is not bothering much, i,e in early stages one can need a new glass prescription to see better .
- One has to consider surgery as a option when vision does not improve with glasses.
How does cataract surgery work?
During cataract surgery , your eye surgeon will remove eyes cloudy natural lens & replace with artificial lens i.e. intra ocular lens implant (IOL) there are diffident types of IOLs which the doctors explains you people may have blurred vision years after cataract surgery. Because the eyes capsule has become cloudy which can be treated by capsculotomy using laser & restore your vision.
Cataract surgery recovery:
You need to use eye drops after surgery. It can take days to weeks after surgery to recover.
Risks of cataract surgery:
- Eye infection
- Bleeding of eye
- Swelling of retina
- Detached retina
- Damage to other parts of eye
- Blurred vision or vision loss
- IOL may become dislocated (moving out of place)
- Seeing halos , glare & dark shadows.
What are advanced techniques in cataract surgery and their benefits mslcs – manual small incision cataract surgery and phaco emulsification?
- Phaco emulsification: is now preferred technique among most of the eye surgeons all over the world their technique has the advantage of early rehabilitation mainly attributed to small mission size used. Occurrence of post operative infections are also less when compared with mslcs, phaco surgery can be performed even without peribulbar blocks (injection), this surgery can be performed with topical anesthesia more chances to select premium iols when going for phaco surgery .
Tips for post cataract surgery:
- Don’t do any strenuocy activities for few weeks
- Don’t drive
- Follow doctors orders
- Stay away form dusty area
- Don’t rub your eye
- Don’t swim
- Don’t wear make up intra ocular lens (iols) are medical devices that are implanted inside the eye to replace the eye natural lens when it u removed during cataract surgery . iols are also used for a type of vision correction surgery called refractive lens exchange.